Monday, May 12, 2014

Life Coach Goddess

Originally posted- Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Life Coach Goddess

Part 1. So, I went to a therapist yesterday to talk about my
issue of my stepdad, and directly related to that, my mother. It's been 8 years since I talked to a therapist and I was really looking forward to it. Well... this woman was ridiculous. I don't want to waste time recanting the 45 minute session, but her closing statement went something like, "Basically, your best bet is just to let it go pretend everything is fine around your mom." Okaaaaaay. Aaaand, you're done.

Part 2. I call a friend. She hooks me up with her old life coach. Brilliance! For the first time in 10 years I feel like I have some tools to deal with events as they arise. I feel validated. I feel strong enough to stand in my own power (please let this last)! I feel I can drop my guilt. I feel like I can trust my gut again instead of allowing guilt I feel from my mother let me color my instincts. I mean, I am just amazed at how good I feel. This has been a drain on me for 10 years--more so in the last year than ever before. Why is it so easy to doubt what you know is true? Is it because other people reflect back different things? I am not sure, but this life coach---let's call her Joy since she brought a little my way--- reminded me of the simplest most important rule: Trust your gut. How can it be so easy to forget that? Isn't it amazing how sometimes a little nudge is all you need to turn a huge corner? I feel so grateful. Gut... I'm listening, lil' guy. :)

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