Tuesday, July 21, 2015

DIY Outdoor Shower

I recently found out you can buy an outdoor shower and hook it to a hose... No plumbing required!
This is very exciting, because all summer long our family of 5 swims DAILY and usually just hose off.  We keep a bottle of soap and shampoo out there --sometimes it's just easier especially if we swim til 7pm certain days.  Having an actual shower out there is amazing.

This project can cost as little as $73 if  you just buy the shower and hose and sick it in the yard.  Or you can build a structure just under it, or under and all around.  You can even get an outdoor shower that is solar powered if you want warm water.  This is the shower we got.  For the final project you see below, we spent about 4 hours.

If you don't need privacy, this saves some extra time and money-- walls are not necessary... We began our walls, but plan to finish them a few planks at a time over a few months.

You will need-  (We had a lot of this left over from other projects)
An outdoor shower and 10' hose... $65+$8
2-4- 4x4x8 posts... $7.57 each (we attached to existing fence panel)
11 pavers ...$1.53 each
4-5 bags rocks....  $3.53 each
5 bags sand... $3.49 each
2-8- 1x6x10 wooden planks... $6.57 each (for walls/ 2 for frame)
Solar lights, 2-4, $2 each
A 5x5 space
Post hole digger

Dig up the 5x5 space
Dig 2 foot deep holes for your posts, put them in, solidify with dirt and water til solid

Make a 3 sided... Or 4 sided frame, we did 3 since our patio acted as the 4th

Cut two 1x6s to fit around the posts, use two pieces together for 3rd side
Spread one bag of sand on top, rake it evenly
Position pavers as you want them
Fill in cracks with sand
Rake and sweep to even out
Then gently soak with water to pack down
Add rocks in the cracks

Add wooden planks at chest level for towel racks... Continue building wall up and down if privacy is needed

On 4th "wall" attach two high hooks and put a vinyl shower curtain for complete privacy

Add corner pieces to hold shampoo and soap

Add solar lights to top of posts

Hook shower up to hose and place inside


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Homemade Granola Bars

I've been wanting to do this for awhile.
The first batch I made called for dates-and while delicious, they are SO expensive that it was cheaper to just buy organic granola bars!
The next batch called for an entire stick of butter--again, delicious--but too unhealthy.
I concocted these and got really lucky--turned out pretty yummy.

It yields 24 bars (which freeze really well) and cost about 38 cents each to make (about $9 worth of ingredients used).  The best price on boxes of organic granola bars I can find is $5 for an organic Cascadian Farms box of 10 at Target-- that comes to 50 cents a bar.

It's also a pretty easy recipe to let your kids help with... enjoy!

2 eggs
1 cup natural peanut butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup honey
4 1/4 cups organic old fashioned oats
1/2 cup slivered almonds
2/3 cup dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup organic unsweetened applesauce

Preheat oven to 350
Beat eggs in large bowl til they have lots of bubbles
Stir in peanut butter, sugar, honey.
Add the chocolate chips and almonds, then oats slowly.
One well-mixed, add the 1/2 cup applesauce and mix in well.
Spray baking pan.
Spread mixture on pan and press down to fill the pan evenly.
Bake 15 minutes, cool one hour.
Cut into 24 bars, freeze.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Is this really true?

Oops... an innocent conversation at dinner turns into tears...

Teagan (5 years old):  Why do some old people die?
Mommy: Well, everyone dies.
Teagan:  (smiling) What?  ...Is this really true? (looking at Daddy)
Daddy:  Well... yeah.
Teagan:  (tears welling in her eyes)
Mommy:  But everyone does!  And we're talking, in, like... 100 years!!!
Teagan:  (crying)
Mommy:  (desperate) And some people believe when you die you go to heaven and see everyone else who died!
Daddy: (chiming in) And some people think you get born again as someone else!
Teagan: (crying) But, but... then what is the world for?
Mommy:  (laughing) Yeah, well... that's the question everyone tries to figure out while they are alive!
Zoe (7 years old):  Well, the one thing I know is that the Earth will always be here.
Mommy (to Daddy):  Shall we just pile on at this point?
Mommy (to Zoe):  Actually, that's not true.  Especially if people don't recycle and use too much energy...
Zoe (upset):  What!?!?  No one told me this!!!!!
Daddy:  Well, once the sun dies, our entire solar system will be destroyed.
Zoe: What!?  The sun can die!?!?
Daddy:  Well, it's a star and all stars have a life span.  But this is in millions of years!

This discussion is still going on, but had to come document it ASAP...

Parents... crushing dreams since the beginning of time... and til the sun explodes.