Sunday, September 14, 2014

How do parents do it?

Every weekend I feel so... Flummoxed?

How do parents do it with small kids?  How do they get it all dine and still have time for sleep and fun stuff with friends or even with their kids?

It takes us all weekend just to maintain.

It isn't in our budget to go out to eat, to hire a lawn person, to hire a pool person, a cleaning lady.  Does everyone gave these things and this is why they have time for fun... Or do we just suck?

One of us has to watch the baby while something like lawn mowing or pool cleaning happens... He is too curious.

Cooking three meals a day (usually two Bc breakfast is low key) takes an enormous amount of my time. Washing and folding and putting away laundry for 5 people feels endless.  My husband washes the dishes... That's 5 people eating 3 times a day.  Kids seems to need nails clipped once a week and baths every day... Bath time is like an hour if every day. The. Ine of the three is up at least a couple times after they are in bed.

By the time they are asleep, there's dinner dishes, backpacks and lunches to prep for the next day and emails to return, etc.

When the baby naps, admittedly, we are zonked and may fall asleep... Or my husband might use the time to cut the lawn which seems to take 3-4 outings to finish one cut.

We love reading... My husband loves writing. We miss it! (I'm writing this on the toilet.) ;)

So... Is it just us?

I find myself angry about  work seeping into non-work hours since we already never seem to make it to bed before midnight any night.  With no real village, at the least, people should be encouraged to go home and focus on family.

I feel like we are the only ones with no desire to add anything- anything- to our calendar.

I know the above may sound like complaining ... But I'm honestly curious who else with a young family struggles to get more than 5 hours of sleep and find time to have fun for more than 20 mins here or there?

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