Friday, August 1, 2014

Kids Shoes and Clothes Tip

If you're on a tight budget, here is something you might like....

You can do this anywhere, but Target is my favorite place to save on kids shoes and clothes.  When something is deeply discounted (like flip flops are now), stock up for the future.  Have a bin for each year and throw your "finds" in the appropriate bin. It feels so good to get such a bargain now, and later it'll feel like a little gift! (And save you a shopping trip!)

I keep these bins in my kids closets. My girls are 3 years apart, and my oldest's clothes just pass right down to her sister.  My son is 1 year old...  But if I find a 5T item that is 70% or more off, I grab it.

Our house is 1638 sq ft, no basement, and garage is too hot to store anything... So I try to keep toys and clothes to a minimum so I have room for these bins. In my experience, I've never really needed more than 1 bin per age (I.e. One bin for 3T-4T) etc.  of course, you accumulate more the year they are actually that age, then sort, and whittle bakd down to 1 bin before you put it back into storage for the next kid. :)

You can get the best deals usually at the end of summer, end of winter, and for costumes- right after Halloween.  I got my son a full puffy dinosaur costume for $3.80 when he was 4 months old... I set it aside for the following year!  At I sometimes scope out shoe sales and since it's free shopping if you have the Target debit card, I try to stock up when a sneaker or other shoes are deeply discounted... Get them in every size... More stock online, etc.  I like to keep a foot measurer at home for this purpose.. Kids feet grow so fast!

Note- I do not get any specialty things... I get things I am 95% sure I'll be able to use.

Flip flops I found today at Target, plus tax free, plus cartwheel... Got each pair for 94 cents... In every size for the next 4-5 years.

Another example, my son is only 1 but I found these for $2.40 each, the hoodie is 18 mos, pants are 5T.

Bins in my kids' closets...

Shoes to grow into

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