Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cure for a non-sleeping baby: The Chiropractor

My third baby gave me the biggest run for my money in terms of sleep.
Things were decent til the 4 month sleep regression.
Then from 4-8.5 mos, it became worse and worse.
Of course, I know "sleeping through the night" is technically defined at 5 hours for a baby.
That would have been a godsend.  He wasn't going more than 2 straight hours sleeping.  By 8 months, baby boy was waking an average of 6 times a night--and some of those wakes he was inconsolable and could stay up crying while we rocked him for up to 90 minutes.  . Nothing worked- not rocking, nursing, playing-- nothing.  That would wake the other two kids up.  It was hellish.
It was a really tough time with lots of tears and coffee.

At some point I remembered vaguely hearing about people taking babies to the chiropractor starting at 1 week old!  I immediately Googled it, and within 5 minutes made the baby an appointment.

He had his first appointment at 8 months, 18 days old.  The chiro told me to give it 2-3 adjustments (visits) before we might see some improvement.  After the first visit, not much change at all.  Second visit was 5 days later.  That night, he woke up on 3 times and it was a bit quicker to get him down.  3rd visit was another week later... that night he slept 6 hours straight.  6 hours!!!!!!!!

He is now 10.5 months old and sleeps most nights 8pm-5am STRAIGHT.  I take him every other week for adjustments.

Here he is last week watching his sister get adjusted:

Of course I can't promise you anything--but my friend Rachel just took her son, and after the first visit, he was sleeping 5 hours straight.

So, for something non-invasive or labor intensive for you-- it's worth a try!


  1. Wow, your baby's sleeplessness really got better! At first it's really scary to entrust our baby's health to a chiropractor, especially if there’s a possibility that they can get hurt. But glad that you had the courage to bring your baby to a chiro! Now as you said he is sleeping most nights from 8pm to 5am straight. I hope he continues that way as sleep is a regimen for a healthy childhood. Hope to read more from you! Cheers!

    Prince Baughman @

  2. That is a great story. We also had our first son and he was a nightmare to get to bed. He kept waking up in the middle of the night and would not go back to sleep until the early morning hours. Luckily I work from home so it was not too bad for us to take care of him.

    Derek Sparks @ Forgey Chiropractic

  3. Thank you so much for this helpful guide. My wife and I are new parents, so naturally we've been reading as much as we can on any tips to get our kid to go to sleep. I'll be discussing this with her for sure, if there's any chance that he'll start sleeping for six hours, then that sounds great!

    Mark Wallace @ Chiropractic Memphis
