Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Baby Girl Hair: When, Why, and How

When my first daughter was about 9 months old, someone gave me really good advice... she said "Start doing her hair NOW, even if she doesn't have much.  If you wait till she has enough hair then it isn't part of the routine and it becomes such a battle."

I think she was onto something.

So, this is the baby at 12 months with hair up and hair down:


  • Use a boar-bristled brush (pictured)
  • Use a spray bottle to get the fine hairs is-- my goal is to only have to do hair ONE time for the entire day
  • Keep all the stuff in a Caboodle-- it's organized and babies can't open it.
  • I taught them early "resist me" and after a few months they learned to pull back against me
  • Let them watch TV while you do it at first
  • Don't EVER cut bangs.  Like, ever.  Okay, it's your call-- but my daughter had really thick hair and I thought it would be cute and easy.  Was cute but not easy.  Nope--- and it took 3 years to grow them out.  And she has pretty fast growing hair!  

Could you leave the hair alone everyday?  Sure.  But summer time, snack time, meal time... these are messy things-- and I find a few minutes of putting hair up saves a lot of stress later in the day.  And starting at 1, I think, helps it be a routine.  My second daughter was bald at 1 year, but I still had her sit and sort of pretended.  ;)  

Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good idea about starting at 1 and making it part of the routine!
