Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dads changing the status quo

Some dads seem to act like "sponsors" instead of partners.  
Earning income is a huge deal and of course it is essential--but if that IT, then that sounds more like a sponsor to me--whether it's dad or mom.  The tough part is the parent gig is 24/7...
Everyone is tired at the end of the day... everyone is tapped out by bedtime most days... that's when I really need my partner in the trenches with me.  These are things you're not supposed to say.  These are things you keep to yourself while other moms bash their husband as "another child" or how they don't know how to do anything.  If you're like me-- and your husband does do these things... it's tough to pipe up.  What makes people feel better is knowing that's just how it is for everyone-- men are dumb and useless... but that isn't fair to the men working hard to push against that stereotype and waking at night to rock the baby, or staying up late loading the dishwasher, or packing lunches, or reading to their kids, or throwing in laundry, or signing homework folders at 11pm.  These dads should be the norm... they shouldn't get praise for doing what moms do everyday-- why?  Because a family is a team.  So-- I hope as more men come into fatherhood this becomes the norm.
I hope my children will grow up to be partners with their mates.

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