Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Detox day 4

I feel better today... Normal.

I had a busy day so I didn't eat much til the day slowed around 2pm.

I feel a bit of energy back... peeing a lot, not as angry, but still impatient.

Sore muscles, but haven't exercised.

Started the Repairvite.

Smoothies are really helping, I am surprised.  Bag of Whole Foods organic berries, 3 bananas, 2 cups water.

I ate like 600 calories just in avocado today, too.

1 comment:

  1. Emms I support you in your cleanse. You are doing the real thing, and I can imagine that you will feel terrific in a couple of days. The Pee pee, is the impure stuff being released. Wonderful. I just clicked on todays blog. Go to my FB page. My friend Corrin Phillips, put up a whole bunch of three weeks worth of fantastic recipes, if that can add to your voluptuous cleanse. I say that because it can be a very full eat to the brim, and gorgeous cleanse, without starving yourself.
