Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Potty Training

While I have now potty trained two children and am almost on the other side of training my youngest, this isn't an area where I feel like an expert, or even someone with a tried and true method... or even someone with a good method.  It's okay... it's decent.  So--I'll share it basically jus for posterity.

My two girls came first (3 yr age difference) and were both more challenging to potty train than my son.  I began potty training my oldest ar 2.5 yrs when the pediatrician recommended she sleep bare bottomed because of some rash problems that were persistent.  She was night potty trained in a  few days.  We kept a lot of towels under her, but she held it all night--crazy!  So, you'd think day would be easier, but... nope.  She really resisted.  It took another 6-9 months to really get her to stop having daily accidents.

My middle child was the flip.  She went to preschool 2 days a week from age 2 years 4 months.  She saw her friends pee in the potty and wanted to try.  She trained fairly quickly in the day but still had many accidents for a long time.  By the end of that school year (3 yrs 1 month) she was day trained.  Night was a struggle.  She stayed in a diaper at night til 4.5 yrs.  She really wanted to make it happen...in face for almost 2 yrs she refused the diaper and fell asleep in underwear... but she'd pee the bed every night, even if we woke her to pee.  So--we would come in around 10pm and put a diaper on her.

My son... well, after potty training two girls, I was exhausted just thinking about it.  But, he kind of took it up on his own this summer.  And with 4 people there to cheer everytime he'd pee in the potty, he was trying it all the time!  (Attention from all 4 family members at once  is so rare-- everyone's always trying to get a word in.)  He first got interested August 1 and now only wears diapers at night.  He even naps in underwear no problem.  I've taken him on errands and he has only had 1 accident.  Frankly, we deserve an easier time on the third round, so I am happy!

Here are my tips, for whatever they are worth:

  • Keep a ziploc in your purse or car with: Two clean underwear, two clean bottoms, or dresses (dress is better for girl because you're not left with no top if she happens to be wearing a dress), a washcloth to dry their legs, a bag for trash & poop to toss and a bag for wet clothes to bring home)... And I assume you carry wipes as a given
  • Before you leave for an errand, ask if she wants to sit on the potty and try
  • I used M&Ms... 2 for pee, 4 for poop, and extra if he does it on the big (actual) potty in the bathroom. It makes it easier.  And if pee got on the floor I gave only 1 M&M and said "Good try, but we can't get any on the floor, okay!  I know it's tough, keep trying!"  I gave every single time (it was a LOTof chocolate) the first 2 days.  After that, I didn't give treats unless he asked.  He asked about 50% of the time.
  • If she says no, do not push it. Ask again when you get to destination
  • I say "George, do you need to pee on the potty before we go inside the store? If you go now, you can use George's potty, but inside it'll be a big potty and we'll have to stop what we are doing, wanna try?" If no, I don't push it. If he has an accident, he learns.
  • Accidents will be happening--probably for a year--just embrace it. Be prepared.
  • Buy a Potette Potty for your car.  I don't use the liners, I just pull in a parking spot next to grass or mulch and let them go right into the ground (pee).  This was invaluable to me with all 3 kids--- sometimes you cannot get to a potty.


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