Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rosh Hashanah tradition

I had this idea, so we started a new tradition this year and I really love it!

On Rosh Hashanah, each person in the family gets 4 apples and a dipper of honey.

We go around the table and hold one apple high in the air declaring something we will do to be a better person in the new year.  Once declared, dip the apple in honey... Once you take a bite you have made The Rosh Hashanah Promise, you must stick to it!  (The honey helps with the sticking.) ;)

We all go around til we have each made 4 promises for the New Year.

It was a big hit!

Each person got this plate of yumminess...


She loves her local honey!

Even the baby got in on the tradition... But don't worry, we made the girls rid themselves of all traces of honey before touching him!  There should be a Rosh Hashanah PSA for babies and honey!

I am loving this tradition!

L'shana tova u'metuka!

* Honey should NOT be consumed by children under 1 year old.   Infant botulism can occur when a child ingests spores of Clostridium botulinum bacteria, which are found in dirt and dust and can contaminate honey. This illness typically affects babies who are between 3 weeks and 6 months old, but they're susceptible to it until their first birthdays.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! I will be doing this with my family- thanks for the idea!
