Saturday, July 27, 2013

Organizing your pictures into albums

I like to make ONE album to document 12 months.
It doesn't have to run Jan-Dec-- just be 12 months long.

I have been using Shutterfly since 2003, and I love it.  It now has all my pictures saved since I got engaged almost 10 years ago.  Wedding, honeymoon, all 3 kids, pregnancies, everything.
I have also spent some time scanning in old photos over the years.
I now have 127 albums in Shutterfly.

In 2008, I started saving everything by month only-- so "July 2013", "April 2009", etc.  A friend pointed out it may even be more efficient to save them as "2013 July" so the years are all together.

Anyway---here is a video of my formula.  It'll take a lot of effort the first time you do a year-long photo book, but then you will be so organized.  The other thing I love about photobooks is that Shutterfly saves them FOREVER.  So if your kids grow up and want a copy, you just order another one.  Or g-d forbid you lose all your albums due to water damage, fire, etc-- here they ALL are--stored for you for free, forever.  Or-- if grandma loves the photobook, boom--just order her a copy.

My general formula is:
-8 pages per month
-Average of 4 pictures per page (less for special pictures, more for ones that aren't as important)
-You'll get 96 pages to cover 12 months, about 400 pictures to document your year
-Wait til photobooks go on sale for 20% off or more-- shipping is usually free for $30 and up (SHIP30)

Watch my video of showing you my most recent photo book:

I also get family pictures taken once a year-- usually toward the end of the school year, and usually in the park or on the beach.  Make sure mom & dad are in some of these, DON'T just take pics of your kids!  Get a FAMILY pic-- you'll cherish those in years to come.
I order the best one in a canvas print and hang that up in the living room each year.

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