Friday, June 7, 2013

One of those days

Today I had one of those days. I spent the entire waking day with my seven week old baby boy and my three year old daughter. And now it's bedtime and I feel like I haven't seen them all day.

What is it that can fill a day with so much noise that you barely notice who you are with? We did an errand, a playgroup, lunch, trip to the pediatrician for a persistent diaper rash, and then the chaos that is Friday after school. How is it 8 o'clock at night and I feel like I'm just looking into my son's eyes for the first time? Thank goodness for the iPad mini's dictation tool so that I can talk right to his face as I write this blog. He seems to like it, because he's smiling at me right now.

I'm too tired to lay out a deeper message in today's blog post, but I know many of you have felt the vibe a day like this has on your mommy soul.

This is why I like to keep our calendar nice and bare looking. I feel like regular days get filled with noise even if you don't plan lots for them, let alone smashing your calendar full of play dates, Activities, extracurriculars, get-togethers, and appointments.

I'll take a day at home watching My Neighbor Totoro with my family of five all in pajamas any day.

Full disclosure: this picture is from yesterday

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